Anxiety Therapy

Online Counselling for Anxiety

Do you lay awake at night unable to sleep because your mind is racing ALL the time?

Is there a knot in your stomach or tightness in your chest that just won’t go away?

Do you wish you could just figure out a way to stop your constant worrying?

Have you ever wondered why life seems simpler and easier for other people?


Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time, but when you experience intense or frequent anxiety it can feel like anxiety is taking over your life.


Anxiety might be showing up in ways you might not expect:


Avoiding social outings

Lack of confidence

Missing deadlines at work

Not wanting to meet new people

Struggling to concentrate

Forgetting important details

Avoiding going to new places

Lack of motivation

Struggling to make decisions

Constantly feeling tired


At Fresh Solutions Therapy, online counselling in Ontario, and online counselling for anxiety is one of our specialties.  We can help you learn how to get your anxiety under control and start living life the way you want to. 

Meet our Anxiety Specialists

Ready to get started with Fresh Solutions Therapy?

We’re happy to help you choose your therapist and book your first appointment, reach out today!


Anxiety and Your Career


Are you finding it hard to concentrate at work?  Are you struggling to keep up and feeling overwhelmed?  Is your job performance suffering?  Are you worried you’re not living up to your full potential?


You expect a lot from yourself at work and anxiety can make everything feel harder than it used to be.  Completing basic tasks can feel overwhelming when you can’t concentrate and constantly worry about what might happen if you make a mistake.  Making simple decisions feels hard when your mind is racing and you just can’t focus enough to think things through clearly.  Sometimes you can feel so overwhelmed with work that it is hard to even know where to start to get things back on track.  You wonder if your colleagues are noticing how much you are struggling at work and you worry what might happen if you can’t turn things around.


A little bit of anxiety can be helpful to boost your motivation and improve job performance, but a lot of anxiety can have the opposite effect.  One of the toughest things about anxiety at work is that often the people who suffer the most are the ones who care the most about doing a good job.  If you really care about producing great work, and moving ahead in your career, but you find yourself missing deadlines, forgetting key details, or struggling to start important tasks, anxiety might be impacting you more than you realize.


At Fresh Solutions Therapy our therapists are busy professionals, too, and we get what it’s like to have a lot on your plate and a lot at stake in your career. Through online counselling we can help you learn to better manage your anxiety so you can perform better in your job, feel confident at work, and achieve your career goals.


Anxiety and Your Relationships


Are social gatherings stressful for you?  Do you find yourself avoiding meeting new people?  Are you frustrated that life just seems easier for other people?  Is it hard for you to make new friends?  Do you ever question if people genuinely like you and care about you?


You work hard and want to enjoy your life outside of work, but it can be hard to be social when you’re worried and exhausted all the time.  Sometimes you stay home because it’s easier than facing the stress of meeting new people and going new places.  You worry about saying the wrong thing or feeling awkward or out of place.  You might turn down invitations from friends and family because you feel overwhelmed with life and just don’t have the energy to add anything else on your plate.


Everyone experiences a bit of anxiety at times related to relationships, but having too much anxiety can have a negative impact on your relationships with your partner, family, and friends.  When you are constantly worrying about saying or doing the wrong thing, or wondering what people are thinking about you, it’s hard to relax and enjoy yourself.  You may wonder if your partner loves you as much as you love them, if your colleagues really like you as much as you think they do, or if your friends will really be there for you when you need them.  Online counselling for anxiety can help you feel more confident and secure in your relationships so you can spend less time worrying about your relationships and more time enjoying them!


If you’re worried about starting therapy, we can assure you that at Fresh Solutions Therapy we know how stressful new situations and new people can be for people with anxiety.  Our therapists know how to put anxious clients at ease so they can feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible during therapy. You’ll be amazed by how quickly you are able to form a connection with your therapist and how enjoyable you find your online counselling sessions.


Anxiety and Your Health


Do you worry about your heart racing and your chest feeling tight?  Do you struggle to relax because your body feels tense all the time?  Are you exhausted from lack of sleep or tossing and turning all night?  Is your stomach often upset?  Are you feeling more aches and pains than usual?


Anxiety is a completely natural and normal response to stressful or frightening situations, and we all experience it from time to time.  Anxiety becomes a concern when it happens frequently, lasts for a long time, increases in intensity, or impacts your ability to live your life the way you want to. 


If you’ve been experiencing anxiety for a while, you may have noticed some changes in your physical health.  Here are some of the ways that anxiety can impact your body:


Frequent headaches

Tightness in the chest

Increased heart rate

Increased blood pressure

Upset stomach

Loss of interest in sex

Unexplained aches and pain



If you have intense anxiety you may have also experience what you might call an anxiety attack or a panic attack.  Symptoms of a panic attack can include:


Sudden and intense worry or fear

A sense of dread, like something horrible is about to happen

Racing heart

Chest tightness or pain

Difficulty breathing



Stomach pain


Fear of losing control

Fear of death


Panic attacks are truly terrifying, and they can happen without warning.If you’ve had a panic attack, you may find yourself feeling more anxious than usual because you’re worried you might have another panic attack.  You may also notice that you’ve started to avoid certain people, places, or things to try to prevent further panic attacks. 


At Fresh Solutions Therapy we know how scary anxiety can be and our therapists are highly skilled in helping you find ways to better manage your anxiety.Just like going to the gym or eating healthy foods, online counselling for anxiety is a great investment in your health.Reach out today so our therapists can help you find the best ways to reduce your anxiety so you can start feeling better and get back to living life the way you want to.


“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.”

— Dan Millman

Our Approach to Online Counselling for Anxiety

At Fresh Solutions Therapy, we use solution-focused brief therapy to treat anxiety.  We know that when you’re struggling with anxiety you’re already feeling overwhelmed with life, and we want you to end every therapy session feeling better than you did at the beginning.


Traditional therapy follows a medical model that focuses on the problem, much like a doctor focuses on your symptoms.  Solution-focused therapy is a modern, unique, strengths-based approach that focuses on the positive rather than the negative. 


While traditional therapy often involves one to three sessions for assessment purposes before developing and implementing a treatment plan, at Fresh Solutions Therapy our therapists will help you start making positive change right from the first session. 


At Fresh Solutions Therapy, we do everything we can to make online counselling a positive experience for you.  Our therapists are trained to listen carefully, ask great questions, and make the most of your valuable time.  Reach out today to get started!

Ready to get started with Fresh Solutions Therapy?

We’re happy to help you choose your therapist and book your first appointment, reach out today!

Online Counselling for Anxiety

At Fresh Solutions Therapy, we provide online counselling for anxiety.  We know that many people who experience anxiety are already feeling overwhelmed with work and life demands, so we want to make it easy for you to fit therapy into your already packed schedule.


Attending therapy sessions in person means taking the time to get ready, drive to your therapist’s office, find parking, spend an hour in session, and then drive back to home or work afterward.  You know from experience that when you need to be somewhere at a specific time you’ll be feeling stressed wondering how you will find the time in your busy schedule and worried about being late if you get stuck in traffic or can’t find a parking spot nearby.  At Fresh Solutions Therapy we aim to make your days easier and your life better by providing convenient online counselling.


Online counselling is ideal for people with anxiety because it allows you to receive all the benefits of therapy without added time pressure, stress, and worry of travelling to an in-person session.  With online counselling you save on travel time, stress, and worry because all you need to log in on your computer, tablet, or phone and get started! 


If you’re ready to start working with a therapist who understands what it’s like to feel like anxiety is taking over your life, and knows how to help you find the relief you need, reach out today to book an appointment!